Monthly Archives: September 2011


I stare at the blank pages. How am
I supposed to finish an entire book, when I haven’t finished a project in my life? All around me i find evidence of this unability to finish anything. There is the chord, half painted in black, whaiting to become a lamp. There is the piano waiting for me at my parents house, waiting to become painted in white and transported to my apartment. There is my balcony, half-equipped with oriental pillows and a water pipe, waiting for all the million missing pieces. There is that empty part of the wall, waiting to get a mirror and a shelf. There is that box stuffed to the brim with paper and stuff and crap that i really, REALLY, need to sort through. And there is the photo album, half-filled with pictures, waiting for the blank pages to be filled. Even now that i have a printer at home, I can’t seem to find the time to finish it.
So here I am, expecting to finish a book? Good luck little miss.
I have the beginning, of course. I have a lot of beginnings actually. I even have some sense of a middle, some sort of feeling of what kind of book I want it to become. But I am so far from an ending it hurts to think about. My god, i don’t even know how to finish THIS piece.
I am lucky not to have a deadline. They never helped me before and probably won’t now. Lets just hope I figure it out along the way.